Enhancing Effective Judicial Response to Human Trafficking in Nigeria


  • Omojola Oluwakemi Research Fellow, Nigerian Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, Akoka Yaba, Lagos




Criminal Justice System, Human Trafficking, Human Rights, Judicial, Situation Awareness, Nigeria.


Human trafficking is a horrifying form of organised crime that violates victim’s human rights. Despite international and domestic efforts, the threat is not abating. People are bought and sold, forced to work in the black market or sex industry, and frequently face threats and violence. It is one of the most heinous crimes in the modern world. The criminal justice system, which consists of the police, courts, and prisons, work in synergy to handle the social repercussions of crimes with the goal of preserving peoples’ right to safety and the exercise of their human rights. There is no disputing that courts’ interpretation of the law plays a critical role in safeguarding the rights of victims of human trafficking as well as deciding the guilt and punishment of traffickers. In order to reduce human trafficking in Nigeria, this study examines the crucial role of the judiciary. The paper posits that in addition to knowing the legislation, judges must also be aware of the context of each case involving human trafficking. The paper’s recommendations for strengthening judicial intervention against human trafficking are included in the conclusion.


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How to Cite

Oluwakemi, O. (2024). Enhancing Effective Judicial Response to Human Trafficking in Nigeria. International Journal of Law and Social Sciences, 9(1), 50–63. https://doi.org/10.60143/ijls.v9.i1.2023.84





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